If you are an online marketer and you are not using the power of video marketing you probably are leaving a lot of cash on the table. Many internet marketers are making the majority of their money from YouTube. There are several different ways that one can go about making money with this huge video sharing site but in this article I am going to go over one method that has been making many marketers a nice buck.
First thing that you will want to do is pick a niche that you would like to promote in. You want to make sure that the niche has some sort of potential buyers in it. To be honest, it is really not hard to find a niche where some profits can't be made. Just a little bit of market research can help. If not, go with a niche that you feel comfortable with.
Trust me, if your video has only 35 views or 622 views it's not going to make it. The good thing is the most popular videos show up on Google.com search results as thumbnails, and they also display the number of views so that acts as some kind of social proof that makes people click through to watch your material. These videos are displayed above the fold on Google so why not take advantage of this for your next social media or affiliate marketing campaign? It's like the old "money attracts money" principle but in this case we are talking about YouTube views.
So make sure next time you want to do a launch you fire your SEO guy and start focusing on getting your videos seen. Make them interesting and fun but don't forget the "call to action" to make them want to know more about what you have to offer.
Learning how to get views on YouTube is not hard if you have a plan and put all the tips and tricks you've read together and start doing this today. Video marketing is much more powerful than the old school sales letter or landing page pitch method.
Now we need to go back to YouTube and the videos that we found. Make sure once again that the videos have got the right criteria. Now pick one of the videos and click on the user name of the video. This will take you to their channel (video page). There you will want to send the channel owner a message. In this message you will want to make him a business proposal in which he will put a link in his video description and an annotation on their video in exchange for money.
First thing that you will want to do is pick a niche that you would like to promote in. You want to make sure that the niche has some sort of potential buyers in it. To be honest, it is really not hard to find a niche where some profits can't be made. Just a little bit of market research can help. If not, go with a niche that you feel comfortable with.
Trust me, if your video has only 35 views or 622 views it's not going to make it. The good thing is the most popular videos show up on Google.com search results as thumbnails, and they also display the number of views so that acts as some kind of social proof that makes people click through to watch your material. These videos are displayed above the fold on Google so why not take advantage of this for your next social media or affiliate marketing campaign? It's like the old "money attracts money" principle but in this case we are talking about YouTube views.
So make sure next time you want to do a launch you fire your SEO guy and start focusing on getting your videos seen. Make them interesting and fun but don't forget the "call to action" to make them want to know more about what you have to offer.
Learning how to get views on YouTube is not hard if you have a plan and put all the tips and tricks you've read together and start doing this today. Video marketing is much more powerful than the old school sales letter or landing page pitch method.
Now we need to go back to YouTube and the videos that we found. Make sure once again that the videos have got the right criteria. Now pick one of the videos and click on the user name of the video. This will take you to their channel (video page). There you will want to send the channel owner a message. In this message you will want to make him a business proposal in which he will put a link in his video description and an annotation on their video in exchange for money.
About the Author:
Learn more about increase youtube views. Stop by Deborah E Young's site where you can find out all about keyword #2 and what it can do for you.
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