Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Power Ties for Job Interviews

By Ben Jones

It is commonly held that there are specific rules for what to wear and what not to wear to a job interview. In the course of the interview, you will undoubtedly be appraised on your fashion choices. Your initial impact on the interviewer will be lasting, no doubt. You should be careful not to let your clothing choices communicate too much. Therefore you should dress in a way that balances your creativity and professionalism.

A major portion of the interview is to wear a great-looking tie. There are a few pointers that will help in this regard:

* Choose a necktie made from a quality fabric. Silk neckties are usually a good option due to their good looks and durability.

* Choose a tie that is appropriate for your stature. If you are taller than average, you should wear a long necktie. When you finish tying your necktie, the tip should land somewhere over your buckle. Extra long ties are also great for men who like to tie knots that are loose or large.

* Check things out with peers to find out what the common dress code is in your line of work. This will prove invaluable when it comes time to hit the shopping circuit.

* Go for subdued ties with only one or two colors and avoid intricate patterns. Usually an all-silk tie is a great option for job interviews.

With the right type of tie in mind now, it is apparent that some ties are off-limits. Those ties that have logos, bright or awkward colors, or intricate patterns are out. Just ask yourself if you think the tie will attract the right type of attention. If you don't think the tie sends the right message, keep looking.

The main rule is to go for plain, common color schemes. Go for a common color, such as red, and keep patterns to a minimum. A striped or solid tie usually does the trick nicely. Do your homework to figure out the personality of your interviewer(s) and make sure that your necktie accurately portrays what you have to bring to the table.

About the Author:

Publish By Seaman Job Vacancy Team

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